Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Full Speed Ahead, As a New Chapter of My Life Begins

    There are some incredible things brewing for me this year.
    I've been clearing out old junk (vibrationally) left and right, refining what I want to experience in life and I'm watching as a wonderful new part of my life blossoms like the flowers of Spring.
    Lately, I've had a lot of guidance streaming through and I want to share some of those things here and what exciting things are in the works.
     I've come to the conclusion that, I am young, but I am not getting younger and I want to be successful NOW. I don't want to wait to be successful until I am 30 or 40, NO, I want to be successful NOW.
    What do I mean by "successful"? I want to be working from home, providing for my family, expanding my potential, and to be helping others do the same. That's what I want.
    My self confidence is back. I'm feeling more powerful each day as I take responsibility for my self and my life and I feel like I'm on top of my game. The ball is rolling and I'm running with it!
    If you have read previous blogs here, then you know that I'm participating in a beach body work out program called PiYo with Chalene Johnson. It's a combination of Pilates and Yoga all in one. It doesn't require any weights or equipment except YOUR OWN BODY WEIGHT. It's all about alignment, balance and strengthening the core and expanding potential. Dedicating to this program has helped transform my life SO much already and I'm not even half way finished - It's a two month program.
    I'm so pleased with it that I want to become certified to teach it live and be a coach!
    Not only is this in the works, but I will also be starting training to be a water pourer for traditional native american sweat lodges. It's a huge honor to be part of this lodge and community, I also feel led to organize women's meet ups/lodges for female empowerment and transformation.
    On top of that, I'm also being tutored in Quantum Code healing.
    With all of these things occurring at the same time, one would think I would be overwhelmed... Well, I'm not feeling overwhelmed, I'm feeling exhilarated and anxious to see what the future holds in store.
    This is my path to self employment! It's happening! Y'know, the best way to be financially successful and secure is to have multiple streams of income flowing in. That way, if something does fall through, you're not screwed. Also, with two, three or four means of income, you got a steady flow of income all the time!
    That's what I'm going for and that's what is happening right before my eyes.
    I've experienced a lot of obstacles to get to where I am now, but I cannot stress enough how important it is to keep your eyes on the prize: Don't worry about what may come or what stands in your way because it's only testing your strength and your will to accomplish your goals! Don't let anything stand in your way. The only thing keeping you back is YOU.
    YOU have to expand your potential, YOU are the only one who can recognize what is in your way and YOU are the only one who can surpass the obstacles that you face. Find your determination, find your motivation and GET TO IT! Stop wasting your time living a life you don't want to live! Get out there and do something crazy and different and wild! Prove to yourself that there's nothing to fear! Soar, fly, spread your wings and go for the impossible because nothing is truly impossible... The word itself says. "I'm Possible"! That's a quote from somewhere...
    Take the bull by the horns and steer that MuthaFUKKA in the direction YOU want to go.
    Start by writing down your goals. That is the first step.
    Next, prioritize! Which goals do you want to accomplish first?
    Set your mind to it and brainstorm, what will it take to get you there? And don't get hung up on the "what if's", don't even entertain that BS. EYES ON THE PRIZE.
    Get clear about what it is you need to do to reach your goals and DO IT.
    Kick those old habits, invest in your personal health and growth, YOU CAN NEVER GO WRONG INVESTING IN YOUR PERSONAL HEALTH.
    The reason you need to write it down is because that is like telling the Universe what you want to sign up for. Like, in middle school and high school you got to sign up for your electives, TELL THE UNIVERSE THE ELECTIVES YOU WANT TO TAKE.
    This is so powerful because often times we get distracted to the point that we don't know what we ever came here to do in the first place. So start that new regime, make new choices, break out of those repetitive cycles and try something new.
    Writing your goals down and thinking about how you want to accomplish them is a powerful way of getting momentum built up in that direction. Once you write it down, the Universe is going to burst in to action to help you get there. You just have to gather your energy and channel it in to whatever it is you want to have for yourself. Then buckle your seat belt and enjoy the ride!

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